Giving Tuesday
This year for #givingtuesday, we'd like to shine a light on two organizations we believe exemplify 124 West principlesSurfrider FoundationIn their own words "The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world's ocean,…
3 Eco-friendly Gift Ideas
Looking for a gift? While 124 West has you covered for eco-friendly swimwear and active wear, you might not be looking for someone who is actively inclined or might not want to buy clothing (which is 100% fair- it's not always awesome to open up a gi…
Interview with Voyage ATL
A few weeks ago I gave an interview to VoyageATL, a website highlighting the best of Atlanta. While I don't live in Atlanta currently, I did live their during my college years and still travel there yearly to visit my college friends as well as my Al…

Reef safe sunscreen for surfers, paddle boarders, and general shenaniganizers
It's that time of year (at least up here in the northern hemisphere)- ice cream, cook outs, and ... sunburn? YIKES!If you're anything like me, you love to be out on the water when you have the chance, but the water means you have an even bigger…

Ghost Gear and 10%
If you've been to the beach, you've seen it.- a rainbow of colors poking out of the sand, frayed strings sticking up pretending to be part of the natural landscape when it is anything but natural. On any given day, I know if I walk down a beach here…